We live in a pretty fun neighborhood. On the 4th of July, one of our neighbors organized a Bike Parade. A bunch of kids decorated their bikes and they marched around the neighborhood led by a lady dressed like the Statue of Liberty. The boys and I had been playing at the park that afternoon. We knew that the Bike Parade started at 4:30, so we wanted to make it back in time to check it out. But due to circumstances beyond our control (i.e. kids covered in wet sand), we were a little late getting back. The parade had just passed our house as we drove up. LilKat2 immediately ran from the truck and grabbed his bike. We hustled ourselves down the street and caught up with the parade (LilKat1 stayed at home, since is often quite averse to hustling). It was quite fun. Afterwards, the Statue of Liberty lady judged the bike decorations and handed out prizes. And all the kids got some candy.
A little later, there was a dog parade. I was curious to see if people were actually going to decorate their dogs. 5:30 rolled around and sure enough, there was a pack of red, white, and blue dogs walking in front of our house.
Isn't our neighborhood cool?
Hey Kat,
Our neighborhood has an annual 4th of July bike parade too. This was the 46th year that it has taken place. Ours is in the morning before it gets too hot. The kids decorate their bikes and ride around the block and then everyone gets an ice cream cone at the end of the parade. We don't have a separate parade for dogs and they also don't give out prizes but it's always a lot of fun.
Wow, 46 years! This was only our first. When we get to 46, I'm going to be in my 80's!
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